

Arrange and design your beard with the style that best suits your face.

Profiling and marking of beard by machine or razor. Application of a finishing product such as waxes, oils, conditioner … and waxing of eyebrows with tweezers.

Arrange and design your beard with the style that best suits your face. Profiling and marking of beard by machine or razor.

Application of a finishing product such as waxes, oils, conditioner …

Your beard is ready, you will love to feel the sound of the scissors while keeping your eyes closed with a scented bandage and listening to relaxing music.

Arrange and design your beard with the style that best suits your face.

Shaping and marking the beard with a machine or razor, we will apply a scented hot towel to soften the skin and facilitate cleaning and a cold towel to calm your skin and close pores.

You will love to feel the sound of the scissors while keeping your eyes closed with a scented bandage and listening to relaxing music to continue enjoying a relaxing facial massage, at the end of the application of beard oils and waxes.

Come and meet us!

Located in Tarragona capital, playing Rambla Nova.

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Miguel Gigar-The Barber
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